Wednesday, December 5, 2012


there's so much power in our words. even the simple act of audibly making a declaration carries implications that we may not fully realize. with His words God spoke the earth into motion and at the sound of His voice  there was creation and life. i'm sure it wasn't necessary. He could have very well created the universe with a snap of a finger or just a thought in His infinite & omnipotent mind. maybe He was setting an example that He wanted us to emulate. i believe once our cryptic emotions are articulated into words and finally released, there's an intangible giant thrust forward. there's no going back. what's said is said. i find this to be especially true in the cases of apologies, extending forgiveness and just being honest with ourselves with any kind of extreme joy or pain. it's almost as if it doesn't become real or we don't fully believe it until it's vocalized. i don't mean to imply that we need to talk for the sake of running our mouths. but there's something about owning our affections and confirming our actions with our spoken word. regardless of the response- however unrequited, unaccepted, or unkind- there's a certain freedom when we know we're being heard. in some rare cases, no amount of attentive ears will ever suffice or make up for what we feel inside. we can share in graphic detail with anyone who's willing to listen, until we're blue in the face, and yet no one will actually understand- not enough to give us rest anyway. in times like these, the only truth that really gives me peace is believing that Jesus hears me before i utter a single word. not only am i heard through my incessant ramblings but i'm so securely held. i know this kinda sounds like a cop out or just something that passive-aggressive people claim in order to feel better about being timid or a pushover. but sometimes that's all we're left with and we'll never get the opportunity to be heard by the ones we believe really should.

as the saying goes, timing is everything. if'all we're concerned about is just getting something off our chest, no matter how pure our intentions and great our motives, it can come off as a curse. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. James 3:10.  as difficult as it is, sometimes it's better to stay silent although it may feel suffocating. the irony is that there's just as much power in what is unsaid. There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts,
    but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18.
i guess that's why i blog. strangely i feel more and more healed as i hear the clicking of my own typing because i know i'm not holding it hostage inside anymore. it's out in the open. it's done. it's enough. now i can move on.

1 comment:

  1. Hottie your words are like poetry and so true and beautiful. I am blessed and encouraged. :)
