as much as i'm thankful for all the ways God has answered my prayers in the specific manner, and sometimes exact details, that i asked, i'm equally grateful for the prayers that he answered with a simple "no." a wise friend shared a quote with me last week that i thought was so profound, "God's no is not a rejection. It's a redirection."
there have been so many times where i thought i knew what i wanted and pleaded with God to comply with my request. i held tight to my agenda and meticulously planned out future and tried to fit God's provision and guidance in there somehow. of course, with delays and detours come disappointments, but i'm beginning to truly believe that God really does want to show me something so much greater than what i'm praying for.
once in a while, i reflect on my past and can't help but wish i could have some of those moments back. i get fixated on how good certain situations were back then and wonder how those circumstances would be different if this or that happened the way i wanted. without faith, it's easy to get stuck living life in the past, dwelling on our HS football glory days or regret breaking up with our last boyfriend or girlfriend. but we are not without faith or hope. although i don't fully comprehend it and still hold onto some of my doubts, i'm finding myself full of peace, smiling so big even as i'm walking down the street alone. i'm trusting in God's faithfulness and his promises, that even when i'm willing to settle for good and maybe hold out for something better, God only wants to give me the best.
“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43: 18-19
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