On my way to work, I witnessed a man literally laying on his back on a busy, filthy NYC street corner, just to get a good shot of a random building I've never noticed before and probably never will again. Everyday as I walk through Times Square or down 5th Avenue, there are thousands of tourists snapping shots of images I regularly pass by and don't pay any mind to. I remember when I first moved to the city almost 10 years ago (wow. I feel old!). Everything little detail about the city exhilarated me. I was fascinated by the bright lights, intrigued by the gorgeous socialites, and invigorated by the nightlife. The stench of the subway stations in the dead of summer or the crazy bikers and pushy pedestrians didn't bother me. Much like being in love for the first time or comparable to the butterflies you feel at the brink of each new prospect of love. According to the beholder, the object of one's affection can do no wrong, even the most annoying habits are endearing, and every statement out of his/her mouth is poetry. Time moves in slow motion when you're together, sappy love songs all of a sudden have deeper meaning, and you have a new found appreciate and outlook on life. So how does this hopeful, passionate and blissful season transform into an ugly, resentful and insipid existence for so many? After years, even decades, of being together and seeing your mate's face just one too many times, I figure it would be easy to disregard what it was initially that was so enthralling about this person. Or maybe we get too comfortable and take them for granted and allow the familiarity to breed contempt. Whatever it is, however seemingly imminent, and at the risk of sounding naive and inexperienced, I hope and pray that I never forget what enamored me to fall in love in the first place. This got me thinking about what I consider to be the first and only constant, real, and volitional love in my life. More profound and stronger than any vow we can make with our spouse is the relationship we have with our Creator. When I first experienced His love, I was captivated by the promises and parables, I was convinced that every sunset and rainbow was specifically for me, and every praise song I heard was angelic and moved me to stand in reverence and wonder. And now after years of knowing this love, I'm renewing my commitment to never forget the power of the cross that saved me or the grace that redeemed and restored me. I'm coming back to my first love and believing and asserting that it's only on this unshakable foundation that I will build all my other relationships because there really is no other way.
To true love in 2010. Cheers*